welcome to my book!

This is a book i'm writing. It's a mystory. More like for little kids.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chapter 4 Meeting David

Out they raced though the door, to the car in the driveway. This time Cherry driving. "On to the beach!" said Miah. "No, we are going to see David. We'll see if he's still there." "Oh, right." "You have the address?" "Yes, right here. It's on Kenneth St. number 1020." directed Miah. A few minuets later they were at the door. Ding-dong! "Hello? Who's there?" came a voice inside the house. "It's some visitors to ask you some questions." replied Cherry. "Oh! Do come in!" The door opened and a stooping man stood in the doorway. He led them in to a parlor with very nice old chairs and couches. "Have a seat. Have a seat." "Thank you sir." they said together. "We wanted to ask you , are you David Clyde?" asked Cherry. "Why yes! Now how did you two hear about me?" "Well, we found a magazine about you, and we also went to the beach that you went to when you were a child. We wanted to find out all the details that you could remember." explained Miah. "Well... If you read all of the things on the magazine, Then you know the simple details." "Well can you think of any other details right now?" "No, not right now. But i can tell you tomorrow, lets say at 8:00. Hows that?" "That is excellent Mr. Clyde." Cherry said. "Yes, till then. We'll see you then." said Miah. "Tomorrow then." said David. "Goodbye." "Goodbye."

Monday, July 11, 2011

Chapter 3 The start

"Here's the magazine girls." "Thank you." sitting next to each other they looked at the magazine. It said that when the beach opened everybody was there. But to many people were there to notice something until..... a father noticed a change in clothes of his 7 year old son. so he then asked the lifeguard. The lifeguard said he knew nothing about it. So then the father called a police, and they made everybody leave. They figured out nothing. Then they called the father that noticed it first, they wanted to talk to his son. The fathers name was Julius Clyde, the son's name was David Clyde. David told everything he could. That was in 1976. "To bad that this is 2000." said Cherry, downcast. "I wonder if David is still alive?" said Miah. "Ah! Now that would be a good start girls! Good job Miah!" "Thanks sir." she said blushing with pleasher. "Do you know where he lives uncle?" "Your mother went to find him one time. I'm not sure if he still lives there." "Can you please give us the address?" "Yes. Here it is on this paper." "Thanks uncle!" "Your welcome girls."

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chapter 2 Sleuths

When they got home,  Miah said, "Lets get ready in our sleuth clothes and gear." "Right -ee- o. Sleuth Miah." giggled Cherry. Miah's costume was a blue and white plaid skirt and shirt. cherry's was a pink and white plaid dress. A pink and blue magnifying glasses were brought out. Pink  for Cherry and blue for Miah. Matching bags, shoes, and hats were put on. Then into the pink and blue mini van, got in. Miah driving, stopped at uncle "Henry's" (Cherry's) house. Uncle "Henry" was Cherry's mom's brother. But sadly never got married. Cherry and Miah, when ever on a case always went to him for advice. "Now, whats this new case?" asked uncle "Henry". "Today we went to the beach and when we went into the water, our swimming suits changed!" exclaims Cherry. "What was this beach called?" "Changing beach." answered Miah. "Today was cold, why did you want to go? Very few people go there. I have a magazine for you to look at." "As to your first inquiring, we thought it was a good cool day to go." said Cherry. "A sleuth instinct, like your both of you're mother's." chuckled uncle "Henry".  Uncle "Henry" went to get the magazine for them to look at.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Chapter 1 The Beach

     Cherry was a “Blondie” as people call her, and loved to bake. Miah was African American, who loved to write stories. They lived together in an apartment. Miah asked Cherry “Want to go to a beach today?” “Okay, let’s find the cheapest one.” said bossy Cherry. “Ok,” Said Miah going to the computer. “There is one called “Changing Beach”. Wonder why it’s called that? It’s only $5.98 per person, and it's near Malabo Beach.” “Good I’ll bring my “Famous cherry cupcakes”Said Carry. Miah went to get changed and get packed, while Cherry went to get the cupcakes.  When they got there there was nobody else there. "Wonder why there is  no one here?" Said Miah. "Must be to cold for them." Said Cherry who was driving. Getting out of there blue convertible car the two friends went to the waves. "Lets boogie boarding..." Said Miah "well at least I'm going to." Then they both went boogie boarding. Suddenly they fell off their boogie boards! They fell into panic and swam to shore. Then Cherry said"You Changed your clothes!" "Did not!" Yelled Miah. "But you did!" "Did not!" Yelled Cherry. Then they both gasped. "Oh No!" Then they looked at them selves. There swim suits changed! "So will that answer all your questions?" said Cherry. "Ya i think so." said Miah. "Lets go home." "This time you drive." Said Cherry.