welcome to my book!

This is a book i'm writing. It's a mystory. More like for little kids.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Chapter 1 The Beach

     Cherry was a “Blondie” as people call her, and loved to bake. Miah was African American, who loved to write stories. They lived together in an apartment. Miah asked Cherry “Want to go to a beach today?” “Okay, let’s find the cheapest one.” said bossy Cherry. “Ok,” Said Miah going to the computer. “There is one called “Changing Beach”. Wonder why it’s called that? It’s only $5.98 per person, and it's near Malabo Beach.” “Good I’ll bring my “Famous cherry cupcakes”Said Carry. Miah went to get changed and get packed, while Cherry went to get the cupcakes.  When they got there there was nobody else there. "Wonder why there is  no one here?" Said Miah. "Must be to cold for them." Said Cherry who was driving. Getting out of there blue convertible car the two friends went to the waves. "Lets boogie boarding..." Said Miah "well at least I'm going to." Then they both went boogie boarding. Suddenly they fell off their boogie boards! They fell into panic and swam to shore. Then Cherry said"You Changed your clothes!" "Did not!" Yelled Miah. "But you did!" "Did not!" Yelled Cherry. Then they both gasped. "Oh No!" Then they looked at them selves. There swim suits changed! "So will that answer all your questions?" said Cherry. "Ya i think so." said Miah. "Lets go home." "This time you drive." Said Cherry.


  1. Tori! Cherry is such a cute name! I always liked that as a name. :)

  2. thanks Audrey! i got the name from papers dolls that my sister (Priscilla) got.
