welcome to my book!

This is a book i'm writing. It's a mystory. More like for little kids.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chapter 4 Meeting David

Out they raced though the door, to the car in the driveway. This time Cherry driving. "On to the beach!" said Miah. "No, we are going to see David. We'll see if he's still there." "Oh, right." "You have the address?" "Yes, right here. It's on Kenneth St. number 1020." directed Miah. A few minuets later they were at the door. Ding-dong! "Hello? Who's there?" came a voice inside the house. "It's some visitors to ask you some questions." replied Cherry. "Oh! Do come in!" The door opened and a stooping man stood in the doorway. He led them in to a parlor with very nice old chairs and couches. "Have a seat. Have a seat." "Thank you sir." they said together. "We wanted to ask you , are you David Clyde?" asked Cherry. "Why yes! Now how did you two hear about me?" "Well, we found a magazine about you, and we also went to the beach that you went to when you were a child. We wanted to find out all the details that you could remember." explained Miah. "Well... If you read all of the things on the magazine, Then you know the simple details." "Well can you think of any other details right now?" "No, not right now. But i can tell you tomorrow, lets say at 8:00. Hows that?" "That is excellent Mr. Clyde." Cherry said. "Yes, till then. We'll see you then." said Miah. "Tomorrow then." said David. "Goodbye." "Goodbye."